Me, from Fitchburg, Massachusetts, waiting to see Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul, and Simon Cowell. On my left is Jason Edwards. The girl is Laressa Knight.
  • Becky O'Donahue from New York. Made it to the TOP 24 for American Idol 5!!!....and was also one of the first to leave:-(
  • This is Curt from Danvers, Ma. and Anthony from Peabody. This pic was taken off of Curt's myspace profile. I joined him for lunch.
  • Ayla Brown from Wrentham, MA. Made it to the TOP 16 for American Idol 5!!!
  • Sunday, December 04, 2005

    Hollywood contestant not going?

    According to someone with the screenname Puddles80, they post the following on the Official American Idol message boards...

    "My good friend who used to post here all the time, was picked to go to Hollywood and then eliminated yesterday. They wouldn't give a reason why. I feel so bad for my friend who was packed and ready to leave this Sunday-they had already sent the tickets. If my friend is reading this, or anyone else that this happened to (I think there were several) remember how far you came-one of a selected few to get that far and we all know you are so talented. When one door closes another one opens and this will only make you stronger....
    Actually the arrival is tomorrow and someone I know you are a fan of was eliminated before she could even get on the plane-it is so unfair. She was a boardie but I doubt she will ever post here again or watch AI for that matter. She was cheated out of what she rightfully earned and I think it's just horrible. She is a really good friend of mine and the sweetest and most talented person I have ever known."

    Start your google juices MJ LOL:=) No proof if this is the same person who posted a similar message on my blog. It made me think I was being blamed for this mishap.

    Why are the negative posts usually posted by anonymous people?
    Am I being harassed? (read the comment under the Ayla Brown post)
    Is this going to appear on this coming season of American Idol. They write on the Official American Idol site that personal blogs and a "slew of surprises" are coming...


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hi Miranda,

    Why would they eliminate a contestant before they even got on the plane? Weird. Hmmmm.

    As far as AI contestants blogging. Yeah, the contestants on RockStar INXS had blogs set up by the producers. AI is starting a Website this year with expanded content, some of that content will be "premium" which sounds like users will have to subscribe to read it. I'll bet the contestants will have blogs this year on the new site.

    People who harass usually do it anonymously because they're cowards to begin with...

    Fri Dec 09, 07:45:00 PM 2005  
    Blogger shortynspice said...

    I don't know. Either it didn't happen or maybe it did. Maybe something was found out about the for anonymous posters I leave their posts up so they can feel special that there comments are readible too:-)

    Mon Dec 12, 09:50:00 AM 2005  
    Anonymous Izzah Sejahtera said...

    Hello mate nicce post

    Fri Aug 11, 01:17:00 PM 2023  

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